Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Introducing - - - - Mr. Negativity - - - - My Guest Blogger...

So, I've been getting crucified for not providing daily posts for my readers...the truth is, after Antowne, I had nothing left (hence me saying, and then there were none)...I will still continue to post when something entertaining happens....anywho, I've decided to make this more interesting by adding a male friend of mine as a guest blogger...his name is Mr. Negativity...

Mr. Negativity will write about whatever his heart desires...I can see us having some GREAT gender debates...like myself, Mr. Negativity will keep it REAL, he will give his honest opinion on whatever topic he blogs about or comments on, so again I say, this blog is not for sensitive folks...

I thought that this would add an interesting dynamic to the blog and keep my readers intrigued...I believe he will post his first blog tonight...

Introducing....Mr. Negativity! (clap, clap, clap)

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