Ok...so we all know that Antwone has 4 children, which means I have no dating interest in him, however, to-date, I'd like to get to know Antwone on a friend level...he seems really laid back and could potentially be added to my male friend list (platonic friend list, just to be clear)...Antwone has been trying really hard to take me out on a date this week and I honestly haven't had the time to entertain his requests...additionally, I don't want to mislead him...
I've been struggling with whether or not I should tell him that I'd like to get to know him, but have no romantic interest in him due to the 4 kids...that's rude huh??..so what am I supposed to do??!!...so, this has been really heavy on my mind, because to be quite frank, I'm tired of being a bia-bia to these dudes and Antwone, at this point, isn't deserving of that...he hasn't gotten on my nerves, he don't call all the time, he checks on me from time to time, so in my book, he's cool...
So as I'm driving to AR today, I'm having this discussion with a dear friend of mine and collectively we decide that it's okay to be honest with Antwone...so the text message convo with Antwone goes as follows:
Me: Hey, I've been thinking and I'm cool with us hanging out, however, I can't see myself being involved with someone that has 4 kids, but we can be friends, does that work?
Him: Yea, I could tell that off the top, I was wondering when you were gonna let it be know. Lol! It's cool though, I guess I can manage without you :-( .
Me: So you don't wanna be my friend?! Lol!
Him: Yea definitely, I would love to.
Me: Ok cool...we can have that meal next week!
Him: Oh yea, now we can eat..lol! Well I'm down!
Me: Lol..ok, good!
Now this conversation is important because I was able to be honest with Antwone prior to him trying to take me out to a 5-star restaurant with violins playing in the background...I now feel better about having a meal with him because he's knows the deal.....he doesn't strike me as the type that would disregard the above conversation and I have mad respect for his response...I'm not sure what vibe I gave off that told him I wasn't feelin all them damn kids, but I'm glad he got it and was able to take my honesty and move forward...Antwone showed his maturity and I applaud him for that...to be honest, I wasn't sure how he'd react, but I was willing to take my chances, I don't like to lead folks on because I don't want to be led on...
So, where does that leave me...and then there were none...LOL...I'm 0 for 4 so far in Texas, but that's okay...on to the next one(s)...
Stay tuned...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
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Honesty is the best policy. We are too old to be playing games. Kudos on your honesty with Antwone.
Since ya'll are going out as friends you know you need to go dutch on dinner, right? Dudes buy dinner for women in the beginning when they're trying to "woo" ya, not when you've placed them in the friend zone with no foundation (as friends)...plus he has 4 kids, he probably needs to send that in for child support or Texas will garnish them grocery-store wages!