Sunday, May 9, 2010

1 of 3 - Charles, the 45yo, Retired Military Man...

I've given my number to 3 guys here in DFW...I'll go through each one of them...I'll give you their background, how we met, and my thoughts....


Charles and I met at a fight party...I sat down next to him (not because I was interested, but because there was no where else to sit)...we sat there and watched the fight, I gave him a once-over...nice watch, nice shoes, the fight went on, I asked questions about the match, etc. (I'm not a sports person)...he then begin to inquire about my personal life: are you single, you must be gettin a lot of numbers around here, I'd like to take you out some time,, he asked for my number and I'm like...umm...ok....strike 1: when I gave him my number, he immediately called my cell to make sure it was the right number and then told me to save his name as "your future husband"...ugh...that is not cute, is that your game or somethin...then I learned that he was 45...DAYUM...that's a 18year old age could be my he leaves the fight, sends a me a "it was nice meeting you" text...I didn't reply...

I believe he calls the next day and on the phone, he sounds like a 45 year-old man...he sounded all gruff, wasn't really talkin about much, I was disengaged from the conversation...he called again the next day (mind you, I've yet to call him)...I was heading home from an event and he says to me "where you at"...I'm like, headed home...he says "I might be behind you"...I'm like huh?!, what would make you think that (he's never seen my car)....his answer, "I was just tryin to be funny"...well, it wasn't funny...I didn't actually say that, I just said "Oh" this point, I'm really not feelin dude, but don't want to be mean...he calls one other time and then that was it....thank had a natural "ending"...moving on...

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