Thursday, June 3, 2010

Where Is The Love (as sung by Roberta Flack)

"Where is the said was mine all mine...'til the end of time...was it all lie?"

So, I return home from a GREAT vacation to hear that former Vice President Al Gore and his wife Tipper Gore are seperating after 40 years of marriage. Damn, after 40 years you go and call it quits? What really happened there to make one walk away after 40 years of marriage. You might as well stick it out now. At best, the best years of their life are behind them now so why spend it alone. It is hard enough out here dating at 30, so I can't imagine being a senior citizen and trying to meet folks to get my swerve on.

The story made me wonder what commitment really is. I have been to countless weddings and have sat through couple after couple recite vows about 'better and for worse' and 'til death do us part.' Neither Al nor Tipper look dead, so what gives? What would your spouse have to do after 40 years for you to call it quits?

What say you?

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