Monday, June 14, 2010

Say Something...

This shish was all I knew, you and me only...
I did this all for you...
Still you were lonely....
We could've worked it out...

Drake and Timbo hit this one out the park, those few lines are poignant. So many times we are in a situation and feel like we have no voice, but we actually do. They are talking about a situation when the relationship wasn't working and the person didn't say anything, but bye! See ya! But I am going to take a different spin on these lyrics...

Case in point, when I was a freshman there was this guy that both my friend and I thought was handsome...We probably said he was fine...and he was. He was an athlete, nice physique, complexion, and height. He was intelligent and did I say good looking oh and let me not leave out the most important one..Christian. Like he went to Bible study every week, did not use foul language, believed in the sanctity of marriage, and the importance of taking care of your family and community. Let the church say Amen!

What was I thinking? I know right, but we believers say God has someone for everybody. The truth of the matter is, my friend called dibs on him first. Now for those out there reading, I'm not saying this like he was up on the auction block, but you know how it is when you are out and see someone that is attractive, the first one that says I am going to holla, gets the opportunity. Well, in most cases. Remind me to blog on that another day.

At any rate, my friend starts hanging out with the guy and although the two of them have nothing in common besides both being athletes, she pursues him, why? Because he was fine, intelligent, just refer to the laundry list in the opening paragraph. Lol.

Well, she started saying that he seemed to be more interested in me than in her...I kept saying, no he likes you. Mainly because I thought I wasn't his type and he had more in common with my friend than with me. Needless to say, she was right. We ended up talking and hanging out together a lot. Now the time came for me to say something.... to at least my friend that at one point really liked this guy. How would I do it? What would say? Would she believe it was unintentional and that things just happened? Well would you believe it? I couldn't decide what the best approach was, so one day she and I were supposed to go do something together, the guy called me and invited me to hang out. I immediately jumped in my car and went to see him, but not before leaving her a note....a note...I know right...unbelievable. I explained how things just happened and how I had been trying to figure out how to tell her for weeks, but didn't think she would accept it. I knew number one she'd be mad at me...of course she'd had first dibs. Well, the friend ended up giving me an was either her or him?

Now looking back on this my decision was wrong, heck even then, I knew I should've kept him in my life...but what did I do, choose my friend over a guy. I'd known her longer. I just knew him for a semester. Besides, that's what is expected of the end of the day, I should've said something to her about how I really felt and hoped she understood.

There was a small window of time when he still pursued me, I may have kissed him one last time, but we knew that I had chosen her over him. And instead of me going with my heart, I went with my head.

What's the point of the story? So when we meet people in life and love especially, that we know we want to keep in our lives forever, why don't we just say that...instead of doing silly stuff. We will hem and haw around the subject. We will wait for the perfect opportunity or moment to tell the person how we really feel. We will say to ourselves, it will all work or it won't work. And sometimes it does, but why don't we just say something? Most of the time the other person is just waiting on us to do so...

When we love we take risks. We could get hurt, be disappointed, or even left. But we would never know the outcome if we don't take the risk. (From CogitateonThis on Twitter)

1 comment:

  1. this is interesting...friend or, here are my thoughts: at the H.S. age, we're much more immature than we are today...well, some of us...having said that, if you were in that situation today, I think you would've handled it differently and received a different response...I'm trying to think about what I would've done...back then, I prolly would've kept seein the dude..LOL...wrong I know...
