Thursday, July 22, 2010

Gimme My Damn Number BACK!!

So, there seems to be a new phenomenon...well, maybe it's just new to me, but this whole concept of getting someone's number and not using it or using it for random texts...let's discuss further...

I'll use my most recent experience, I go out with a friend of mine one night to a was a real chill atmosphere, mixed crowd, etc., so, this guy makes small talk with me, handsome fella, kinda had a NY vibe to him (I've been running into that alot lately)..anyway, we chat for all of 2 seconds and then I walk several minutes later, I go to the bar to get a drink (another drink of and he approaches me....more small talk, i.e., what you drinkin, where you from, blah, blah,, he asks for my number and I give it to him because he seems like a cool dude...

SN: I did notice him there with a female that seemed to be more than a friend, but less than a girlfriend, maybe he was on a date, or something, but I was advised not to sweat that, so I didn't....

Ok, back to the story...he texted me that night (just to make sure I had his number) and then we had a string of text conversations the following day....but after that...nothing, wait, I take that back, I got a random one late one night asking me why I was still up (he saw that I just updated my fb status)...but other than that, that's it....

So my question is this, why do we as people take numbers or should I say, ask for numbers that we have no intention on guess is that this dude is in a relationship, which is fine, but after the first set of small talk, the approach at the bar shouldn't have even happened (esp if he was on the suspected date mentioned above)...

Now, I will say that I enjoy some of his fb posts or whatever, but beyond that, we don't what was the point in getting the digits?? Is it an ego thing (let me see if I still got it)?? I guess I just don't understand, I don't believe in unnecessary effort, in other words, if I meet you and I know I'm not gonna like you or I know that I'm unavailable, I'll politely let you know that the exchange of numbers is a waste of time.... to me on this...I'm really confused! Ladies, am I alone in this phenomenon...maybe it's me shoot! LOL!


  1. This is hilarious! I don't really ask for numbers, but I'll give mine out. One thing I'll give without any thought is my BBM pin. I've got some folks that can only communicate with me via BBM. I've only given my number to 1 guy that I hoped and prayed he didn't call (I hope I haven't jinxed myself). But numbers nowadays seems like not a big deal, not like when we were growing up and the only place you could be contacted was at home. As of 2010 you can catch someone via cell, email, BBM, FB, myspace, twitter, skype, google talk, yahoo messenger, etc. This almost makes me want to get a landline and only give that number out...weed out the mess with that :)

  2. A lion will go out to the watering hole sometimes even when he is not thirsty just to let the rest of the animals know he is still there and still the king.

    Some dudes will get the numbers and know they will/can not us them just to get that feeling of I am still the king. Sad but true.
